The Bitchwaves Batastic Pool Party at Munster Raving Loony Party

Camping Arc de Bara Carretera N, 340, Km 1182, Roda de Bará, ES

The Bitchwaves Batastic Pool Party with Frank Castro Trash SideShow at Munster Raving Loony Party Join this battylicious warm up before the evening fun with these darling bats n bitches: (preliminary) 19.00 Mossén Bramit Morera i Els Morts (esp) 20.00 Ye Nuns (uk) 21.00 Thee Gravemen (sw/uk) 22.00 Ug & the Cavemen (uk) 23.00

Ukelele Zombies, Valencia + Leadfoot Tea, Mälmo 19h @Barbara Ann

Barbara Ann Bar Taquígrafo Garriga 163 Bcn, Barcelona, ES

Puertas 19H UKELELE ZOMBIES Ukelele Zombies son un trío valenciano de rock ‘n’ roll hipervitaminado y garage-punk furibundo. Daniel Peinado (bajo), Luis Armand Villalba (guitarra) y Andrés Palmero (batería y berridos), llevan destrozando sus propios tímpanos desde 2011. Han tocado en distintos festivales del país como el Wáchina Wáchina, el Funtastic Drácula Carnival, y el

Leadfoot & Månsson Live at Hepcat store

HepCat Store Sankt Lars väg 21, Lund, SE

Support live music and quality goods at HepCat Store. Free entrance, surprises and special offers. + Saturday the 11th of January 2020 + Open: 10-15 + Live: Leadfoot Tea and Månster Månsson (first set about 11:30) + Brands: t.b.a + free entrance + HepCat Store, Sankt Larsv 21, Lund, Sweden + Contact, maps and